LEICA DIGITEX 80MM MULTI CLAMP for Leica Digitex xf Signal Transmitters

The Multi-Clamp for Leica Digitex xf Signal Transmitters is an ideal solution for highly congested underground areas. It is designed for the Leica Digitex signal transmitters with the Xtra feature, which is the additional long distance tracing with an output of 512 hertz to 33 kilohertz. This three-inch clamp is used to apply a trackable signal to conductive buried utilities including cables or pipes.


SKU: LG813369 Category:

Product Description


PN: LG813369


  • Ideal solution for highly congested underground areas
  • Applies a trackable signal to conductive buried utilities
  • Used with signal transmitters with an output of 512 Hz to 33 kHz
  • 3″ diameter
  • Compatible with the Leica Digitex xf Signal Transmitte